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Describing Likes and Dislike

Posted by wa_one read_one On 20.50 0 komentar

Talking about like and dislike

presented by: Wawan ridwan

There’s whole range of English expressions, you can use to talk about how much you like or dislike something.

Ü If you love something

“I love eating ice-cream”

“I adore sun-buthing”

Ü If you like something a lot

“she found of chocolate”

“I like swimming very much”

Ü If you like something

“he quite likes going to the cinema”

“I like cooking”

Ü If you neither like nor dislike something

“I don’t mind doing the housework”

Ü If you don’t like something

“she doesn’t like cooking very much”

“he’s not very found of doing gardening”

“I dislike wasting time”

Ü If you really dislike something

“I don’t like sport at all”

“he can’t stand his boss”

“she can’t bear cooking in dirty kitchen”

“he hate crowded supermarket”

“he detests being late”

“she loathes celery”

Ø Thing to remember……..

1. Dislikes is quite formal

2. Fond of is normally use to talk about food or people

3. the “oa” in loathe rhymes with the “oa” in boat

Ø Grammar note

To talk about your general likes and dislikes, follow this pattern like something or like doing something.

Ø Common mistake

Ø Be care ful where you put very much or a lot, these word should go after the ting that

Exmp: “I like reading very much”. Not “I like very much reading”


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